Our Story

Minced Milk is a Cultural Creative Company that works highly on merging creativity with business.

Our goal is to elevate the spaces women can safely be themselves. Our products are an ode to the majestic power that lies in every woman. 

At Minced Milk, our mission is pretty bold: We support all women to be loud with everything they set their minds to no matter the cost. This is our mindset and we’re sticking to it. 

As a concept brand, our mission is to support all women to be bold with their creativity. It’s no secret that we excessively love creating bold campaigns. 


As makers and marketers, we want our audience’s attention, and so for years, we focused our efforts on acquiring it.

By transgressing the traditional taboos and social obligations and by letting our target group go beyond what's expected of them in society. Our products can build self-confidence, help women recognize their self-worth, and give them the chance to take control of their lives through a spiritual connection that the brand offers through our wellness products.

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